Thank you for your support!



  • !bang - shoot a duck
  • !bef - befriend a duck
  • !reload - reload gun
  • !bread - reload breadbox
  • !duckstats - view your stats
  • !shop - shop menu (see more)
  • !shop [id] - purchase item
  • !topduck - top 5 best players
  • !lastduck - check when the last duck was seen
  • !tshot - total successful shots of all players.

* When a duck spawns in chat use !bang to shoot it down:
(12:00:13) [DuckHunt] -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK
(12:00:18) [UserName] !bang
(12:00:19) [DuckHunt] UserName > *BANG* you shot down the duck in 4.43 seconds. \_X< *KWAK* [+15 xp]
* Every time you use !bang, you use 1 ammo (unless gun is jammed/sabotaged)
* Every time you use !bang, your gun's reliability is reduced by 0.1%
* Once you reach 60% reliability you will be required to clean your gun

* When a duck spawns in chat use !bef to befriend the duck:
(12:00:13) [DuckHunt] -.,¸¸.-·°'`'°·-.,¸¸.-·°'`'°· \_O< QUACK
(12:00:18) [UserName] !bef
(12:00:19) [DuckHunt] UserName > FRIEND The duck ate the piece of bread! \_O< QUAAACK! [+15 xp]
* Every time you use !bef, you use 1 piece of bread


  • A duck is worth 15 xp
  • A golden duck is worth 3x the duck xp (45xp)

* When your gun is jammed (JAMMED GUN), use !reload:
* Upgrading (!shop 7) and cleaning your gun (!shop 3) is the key to avoid jamming.
(12:00:15) [UserName] !bang
(12:00:16) [DuckHunt] UserName > *CLACK* Your gun is jammed, you must reload to unjam it...
(12:00:17) [UserName] !reload
(12:00:18) [DuckHunt] UserName > *Crr..CLICK* You unjam your gun.

* When you are out of ammo (EMPTY MAGAZINE), use !reload:
(12:01:23) [UserName] !bang
(12:01:24) [DuckHunt] UserName > *CLICK* EMPTY MAGAZINE | Rounds: 0/7 | Magazines: 3/3
(12:01:25) [UserName] !reload
(12:01:26) [DuckHunt] UserName > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Rounds: 7/7 | Magazines: 2/3

* When you are out of magazines, use !shop 2 (or !shop 1 for single bullet):
(12:01:25) [UserName] !reload
(12:01:26) [DuckHunt] UserName > You are out of magazines. | Rounds: 0/7 | Magazines: 0/5
(12:01:27) [UserName] !shop 2
(12:01:28) -DuckHunt- You refilled 1 magazine.
(12:01:25) [UserName] !reload
(12:01:26) [DuckHunt] UserName > *CLACK CLACK* You reload. | Rounds: 7/7 | Magazines: 0/3

* When your bread box is empty use !bread to reload the bread box
(12:01:23) [UserName] !bef
(12:01:24) [DuckHunt] UserName > *Bzzt..CLICK* EMPTY BREAD BOX | Pieces: 0/12 | Loaf: 3/3
(12:01:25) [UserName] !bread
(12:01:26) [DuckHunt] UserName > *Shmp..CLICK* You reload your bread box. | Pieces: 12/12 | Loaf: 2/3

* When you are out of bread, use !shop 19:
(12:00:20) [UserName] !shop 19
(12:00:21) -DuckHunt- You purchased a loaf of bread.

[AMMO] : | Rounds: 7/7 | Magazines: 3/3

Rounds: 7/7 - this is how many shots you have/Total Shots for magazine
---> After one !bang it will say 6/7, and so on. !reload - at 0/7

Magazines: 3/3 - this is how many reloads you have/Total reloads for pack
---> After one !reload is will say 2/3, and so on. !shop 2 - more ammo at 0/3

[BREAD BOX] Pieces: 12/12 | Loaf 3/3] - This is how many peices of bread you have/Total pieces for bread box
---> After one !bef it will say 11/12, and so on. !shop 19 - loaf of bread at 0/12

* Use !shop to view shop menu.
* Shop prices and item availability varies based on your stats and current game rules.

  • 1 - Single Bullet (7xp)- adds one bullet to your loaded magazine
    USE: !shop 1

  • 2 - Refill Magazine (20-40xp)- completely refills 1 magazine
    USE: !shop 2

  • 3 - Gun Cleaning (30-50xp)- restores gun reliability to maximum.
    USE: !shop 3

  • 4 - Explosive Ammo (35xp)- 50 rounds, better accuracy and -2 Life on golden ducks
    USE: !shop 4

  • 5 - Return Confiscated Gun (30xp)- if your gun is confiscated, you can buy it back.
    USE: !shop 5

  • 6 - Gun Grease (15xp)- Lower odds of jamming and reduced wear. -0.01% (24 hours)
    USE: !shop 6

  • 7 - Gun Upgrade (300-500xp)- increases overall accuracy and reliability of the gun by 5%
    USE: !shop 7

  • 8 - Gun Lock (25-50xp)- prevents you from firing the gun when no ducks are in the area. (7-12 shots)
    USE: !shop 8

  • 9 - Silencer (20xp)- prevents you from scaring away ducks when you shoot (24 hours)
    USE: !shop 9

  • 10 - Lucky Charm (30xp)- earn extra xp for every duck shot +3-10xp (24 hours)
    USE: !shop 10

  • 11 - Sunglasses (20xp)- prevents bedazzlement (for 24 hours)
    USE: !shop 11

  • 12 - New Clothes (25-75xp)- when you are soggy or filthy from being duck bombed, this will remove the status immediately.
    USE: !shop 12

  • 13 - Eye Drops (35xp)- when you have been bedazzled, this will remove the status immediately.
    USE: !shop 13

  • 14 - Mirror (35xp)- cause bedazzlement to a target (1 hour)
    USE: !shop 14 TargetUserName

  • 15 - Handful of Sand (15xp)- reduce targets gun reliability by 5%
    USE: !shop 15 TargetUserName

  • 16 - Water Bucket (20xp)- make the target soggy (unable to hunt for 1 hour)
    USE: !shop 16 TargetUserName

  • 17 - Sabotage (15xp)- sabotage target's gun (1 turn)
    USE: !shop 17 TargetUserName

  • 18 - Accident Insurance (25xp)- prevents gun confiscation (24 hours)
    USE: !shop 18

  • 19 - Bread (30xp)- 1 loaf = 12 pieces, for befriending ducks
    USE: !shop 19

  • 20 - Bag of Popcorn (40xp)- 50 pieces, better luck at befriending ducks, +2 luck with golden ducks
    USE: !shop 20

  • 21 - Bread Box Lock (30xp)- prevents you from tossing a piece of bread when there are no ducks in area (12 uses)
  • USE: !shop 21

  • 22 - Rain Coat (20xp)- Prevents being soggy (for 24 hours)
    USE: !shop 22

  • 23 - Magazine Upgrade (40-60xp)- Increases the total amount of rounds you can carry by 1. Max 12.
    USE: !shop 23

  • 24 - Additional Magazine (75-100xp)- Increases the total amount of magazines you can carry by 1. Max 5.
    USE: !shop 24

This is your gun, there are many like it but this one is yours. As you shoot with !bang your gun reliability drops -0.1% per shot. As the gun's reliability drops, the odds of the gun jamming will slowly rise. Once the reliability of your gun falls below 60% the gun will stop working until you clean it. If your gun jams too much you either need to clean it (!shop 3) or upgrade it (!shop 7).

Best results: Build your max reliability to 90% or higher (2+ upgrades), then clean it regularly around 73%, and use the gun grease after cleaning.


BEGINNERS, lube techs and n00bs: Starting out be smart with your xp. Your first shop purchase should be a lucky charm (increased xp earnings for 24 hrs!). After that only buy ammo when all magazines are emtpy. Aside from a lucky charm and ammo, your next shop purchase should be a gun upgrade. Also do not purchase back a confiscated gun until you're over 500xp, just wait it out all confiscated guns are silently returned, for free, after a following duck spawns and is shot by another player.
  • Accuracy: 75%
  • Max Reliability: 80%
  • Mag Capacity: 7 rounds
  • Extra Mags: 3 mags
TIP: Buy gun grease after you clean your gun for reduced wear. With gun grease, reliability drops -0.01% per shot (-0.1% without gun grease)
  • Use !shop 3 to clean your gun. (30-50xp)
  • Use !shop 6 to buy gun grease and make reliability last longer. (15xp)


As you upgrade you gun, the cost and quantity of gun related items in the shop will change to accomadate your new gun stats.

When upgrading your gun (300-500xp), you gain 5% accuracy and 5% max reliability per upgrade, until you reach 100%. Also, each time you upgrade gun jamming will down.

Magazine upgrades (40-60xp) increase the total amount of rounds per mag. Start 7 rounds, max 12 rounds.

Additional magazines (75-100xp) increase the number of mags in your equipment. Start 3, max 5


If your gun gets confiscated, there are a few ways to get it back.
  • All confiscated guns are silently returned after the following duck is shot.
  • Asking a Botmaster or Admin to !rearm you
  • Use !shop 5 to repurchase a confiscated gun (30xp)
* This IRC Bot sends NOTICES, make sure you do not have NOTICES blocked in your client.

* Use !duckstats to view your stats.
[15:44:03] -DuckHunt- [DuckStats: Neo_Nemesis] [SCORE] Best Time: 0.67 | Level: 15 | xp: 14000 | Ducks: 301 | Golden Ducks: 102 | Befriended Ducks: 188 | Accidents: 212 [GUN STATS] Status: OK | Rounds: 10/12 | Magazines: 5/5 | Accuracy: 100% | Current Reliability: 99.02% | Max Reliability: 100%
[15:44:03] -DuckHunt- [BREAD BOX] Bread Pieces: 7/12 | Loaf: 2/3 [EFFECTS] None
[15:44:03] -DuckHunt- [HUNTING BAG] Gun Lock [6] | Sunglasses | Rain Coat | Explosive Ammo [22] | Bag of Popcorn [40]

These are your stats.
  • Best Time: fastest shot
  • Level: current hunter level
  • xp: total experience points
  • Ducks: total ducks shot
  • Golden Ducks: total golden ducks shot
  • Befriended Ducks: total befriended ducks
  • Accidents: total times of an accident/gun confiscation
  • Pieces: 11/12 current bread/total bread - use !bread to reload more bread at 0/12
  • Loaf: 2/3 current loafs of bread in equipment - use !shop 19 to buy more loafs at 0/3
  • Status: OK, Jammed, Confiscated, Needs Cleaning
  • Rounds: Current Rounds/Total Rounds - !reload at 0/7
  • Magazines: Current Magazines/Total Magazines - buy more ammo at 0/3
  • Accuracy: Shot accuracy of the gun
  • Reliability: Current gun reliability (jamming odds)
  • Max Reliability: Total reliability when gun is clean
  • This will list the items you have in your invenory.
  • Possible Items:

    Gun Grease - reduces gun wear for 24 hours

    Gun Lock - prevents shooting when no duck is spawned for 7-12 rounds

    Silencer - your shots will not scare ducks for 24 hours

    Lucky Charm - earn double xp for every shot or befriended duck for 24 hours

    Sunglasses - prevents being bedazzled (blinded) by another player

    Accident Insurance - prevents gun confiscation if you have an accident

    Rain Coat - prevents getting soggy from water buckets

    Bread Box Lock - prevents tossing bread when no duck is spawned for 12 uses

    Explosive Ammo - better accuracy for all ducks and -2 Life to golden ducks for 50 rounds

    Popcorn - better luck befriending all ducks and +2 Friend to golden ducks for 50 pieces
  • This will list any effects currently inflicted on the player.
  • Possible Effects:

    Bedazzled - You are blinded, meaning you will miss 99% of your shots for 1 hour - use !shop 13 to remove status

    Soggy - Your clothes are wet and soggy, you will not be able to hunt for 1 hour - use !shop 12 to remove status

    Sabotage - Your gun is sabotaged (1 turn)

    Bombed - You have been duck bombed, your clothes are crusty and filthy. You cannot hunt until you are clean. - use !shop 12 to remove status.

6: In Game "Rules & Regulations"

In this game there are some settings, or "rules" that are configured by the botmaster. If you ever receive a message from the bot saying "based on current rules, this item is unavailable" or you have certain features that don't work, it is likely because of a rules setting.

Use !rules to view the current in-game rules.

[Gun Confiscation]

By default this rule is turned on. If this rule is active, anytime a user types !bang, when there is no duck around, the gun is confiscated and player xp is reduced. Likewise, any kind of ricochet accident that happens during hunting, also results in gun confiscation and xp reduction. If your gun has been confiscated you can buy it back from the shop with !shop 5.

If this rule is turned off there will be no gun confiscation, but xp will still be deducted for misses and accidents. Shop item 18: Accident Insurance will be disabled.

[Bullet Ricochet]

By default this rule is turned on to 5%. Botmasters can alter this percentage to raise or lower the occurance of ricochets. If this rule is active, ricochets can happen at the percentage set by the botmaster.

Likewise, if this rule is turned off then bullet ricochets will not occur.

[Searching the Bushes]

By default this rule is turned on to 15%. Botmasters can alter this percentage to raise or lower the occurance of objects in the bushes. If this rule is active, finding objects in the bushes will occur at the percentage set by the botmaster.

If this rule is not active, searching the bushes for objects will not occur.

[Infinite Ammo]

By default this rule is turned off. If this rule is active, all users have infinite bread loafs and ammo magazines. Players will still have to !reload but will not run out of magazines, likewise players will still have to use !bread to reload bread boxes, but will not run out of loafs.

[No Guns/Shooting]

By default this rule is turned off. If this rule is active, players will be able to befriend ducks only. All gun related items and commands are disabled. Players will only be able to use a reduced shop menu and function set containing items for gameplay that involves befriending ducks.

[Hunting Only]

By default this rule is turned off. If this rule is active, players will only be able to hunt and shoot ducks. All befriending items and commands are disabled. Players will only be able to use a reduced shop menu and function set containing items for gameplay that involves hunting and shooting ducks.

7: About Super-DuckHunt:

DuckHunt is FREE and OPEN SOURCE

Super DuckHunt is a python IRC Bot game based on the NES Game Duck Hunt. Written by Neo_Nemesis. This script is based on the original DuckHunt IRC bot written by Menz Agitat. The original game was inspired by the NES classic Duck Hunt, and is completely re-written in a new language. This is not a copy or sequel of the original DuckHunt IRC Bot or the NES game, but a tribute to the age of old Nintendo and game consoles. experience.

Primarily built and tested on 3 networks, EsperNet Rizon and Freenode. Original Super-DuckHunt versions 1.0+ were built and modified for use on the Freenode IRC Network.

There is also a version of Super DuckHunt written in Autoit, also by Neo_Nemesis. It is, as of yet, ultra beta unreleased. Plans to continue on this platform are being considered.


OG Beta testers:
End3r, ComputerTech, TheFatherMind, foxy, wez, KnownSyntax, aaabbb, D3M0N

On the first launch run of Super DuckHunt (version 1.0.0 to 1.0.5) on Freenode (Jan 1, 2024 to Jan 25, 2024):
Total Successful Shots: 3947
Top Ducks: aaabbb 48885 xp | hurricanetornado 16526 xp | neo`nemesis 13058 xp | guest29438 11765 xp | l0g 11756 xp

Contributors (contributed by information and suggestions/requests):
TheFatherMind, ComputerTech, End3r, foxy, KnownSyntax, aaabbb, mrinfinity, bildramer, Namelesswonder, vurtual_, Friithian

Thanks to:
To Freenode IRC Network, Rizon IRC Network, EsperNet IRC Network, all the beta testers and contributors.
To all the players who've played and continue to play and the enjoy the game.
To all the people who've used and continue to use this bot and source code all over the world.
There have been so many people already its impossible to list them all! Thanks to everyone!


End3r, ComputerTech, TheFatherMind, foxy, bildramer, Namelesswonder, vurtual_, Friithian, Freenode IRC network and Rizon IRC network.

Built on Windows with PyCharm Community Edition Python IDE by JetBrains