# Click here for zcore.cnf (single network)
# Click here for zcore.cnf (multiple network)
# Click here for trivia.cnf (testing example)
# ==============================================================================================
# This is a example of a zCore configuration file for a single network and channel (zcore.cnf)
# You may specify multiple channels on a single network with: channels = #channel1,#channel2, etc
# FOR TRIVIA: plugins = trivia
serverlist = espernet
botmaster = Neo_Nemesis,Neo`Nemesis
botmodes = 0
pingtime = 75
system = sys_zcore
plugins = 0
serverid = espernet
serveraddr = irc.esper.net
serverport = 6697
serverssl = yes
botname = zCore01
botpass = 0
channels = #testwookie
admin = 0
access = 0
akick = 0
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# ==============================================================================================
# This is a example of a zCore configuration file for multiple networks and channels (zcore.cnf)
# FOR TRIVIA: plugins = trivia
serverlist = espernet,freenode,rizon
botmaster = Neo_Nemesis,Neo`Nemesis
botmodes = 0
pingtime = 75
system = sys_zcore
plugins = 0
serverid = espernet
serveraddr = irc.esper.net
serverport = 6697
serverssl = yes
botname = zCore01
botpass = 0
channels = #testwookie,#codeusa
admin = 0
access = 0
akick = 0
serverid = freenode
serveraddr = irc.freenode.net
serverport = 6697
serverssl = yes
botname = zCore01
botpass = 0
channels = #autoit
admin = 0
access = 0
akick = 0
serverid = rizon
serveraddr = irc.rizon.net
serverport = 6697
serverssl = yes
botname = zCore01
botpass = 0
channels = #testduck
admin = 0
access = 0
akick = 0
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# ==============================================================================================
# This is a example of a Trivia-Master configuration file (trivia.cnf)
# Multiple channels and networks may be used with Trivia-Master :( not currently described ):
serverlist = espernet
categories = acronym-soup,anatomy,animals,art-and-literature,brain-bender,category-bag,entertainment,food-and-drink,general,movies-tv-music,trivia-bag
channels = #testwookie
cache = 0
neo_nemesis = 1044433,141,8,5.47
f = 102500,18,9,7.6
end3r = 110000,18,10,15.72
luis6899966 = 22500,4,0,14.6
web-39 = 67500,13,0,18.53
liam38 = 2500,1,1,65.69
mulligan = 60000,9,9,15.89
cyco = 17500,6,1,54.65
koi = 22500,7,5,40.75
scifispirit = 127500,22,5,9.71
web-72 = 10000,2,2,35.84
seahobbit = 763340,133,16,8.97
l0g = 2500,1,1,68.11
psfieri = 5000,1,1,48.68
tooky = 30000,6,6,19.11
web-42 = 5000,1,1,55.78
web-63 = 12500,4,2,54.67
sfdmvgbhnj = 2500,1,1,64.74
phrane29a = 52500,11,4,32.69
qwert = 8831,3,1,64.0
Without player stats (above) you should only see:
cache = 0
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These are examples of zcore.cnf and trivia.cnf. Please use the back button to return to the page.